The Do’s And Don’ts of User Friendly Web Design

The Do’s And Don’ts of User Friendly Web Design

First of all you need to get the thing why online users come on your website? If, you get your answer so, you know how to make user friendly web design in web industries. There are many web designers from web Development Company developing the website but, all are looking same kind of view. Those kind of website does not have wow factor and not for user friendly. Hire web designer who know how to turn simple website design in to effective website design. Here some of the great point will help you to make user friendly website design.

Dos for web design

Most important part is website design and web site navigation. The website navigation should be easy to find for each kind of customers. While they come across on your website they can surf each pages of the website. Also, the website look is most important. They feel what your business is so, use graphic what your business are doing so, in this way they can know what services you guys offer worldwide around market area.


The website content should be easy to understand about your business and show the services which you offer. Use many images of your shop, product, and services to attract the client. The contact address and phone# should be note down on the top of the website. Now a day’s java script will help you to make page fast and show images using java script. Find experience PHP web developer to test the website before you make it live. Also, find organic SEO expert to make your website searchable.

Don’ts for web design

First of all ask your web designer to study about your business and develop the website design according your business brand colour. Do not use multi colour on business brad and website. Do not use law resolution graphics to look it poor. The website doesn’t have information which you really do not offer to your client base. Don’t uses too much content on the home page to feel confusion for which user are not advance.


Don’t use to much title tag for each of website pages for Google Searches. Do not try to make the page linking more and more. Just one time link will help you to get successful web design. Don’t use much java script to load the page. Many web design services web designer use much graphic on each page so, ask them to stop using much images which really not need for your business. Each page title, Meta tag, Meta description should not be as your web design content.