How Common Mistakes Made By Web Designers

How Common Mistakes Made By Web Designers

What is the science behind the design? I thrash about to find out the answer also, lot of Graphic Artist does not have answer. They barely discover web site obligation and generate the design in Photoshop beginner web designer. In this technique you will not obtain design as per your business wishes. Some of the deprived gaffes I originate when ensure some of the website online and I am going to carve up it.


Browser Compatible
On the world, all the people have different operating system of windows, screen resolution etc. The problem with the Photoshop flat design created with fixed width and height but, the all the customer’s browsers screen are different size as well using unlike browsers.


The web designer who has vast experience using HTML/CSS needs to know how the design will stare when browser will be small and full-size. Does the design incise off? Does background will have white space? Does browser have horizontal scroll? You never craft it compatible until you do not have answer for these questions.


Height & Width
In perfect thought, the web page design content certainly not writes following the design. The entire content web designer will have prior to the design. The web page content for eternity changed. The beginner designer not considers scenery the text as per the elements twisted with fix height & width. The web page navigation menu also, you necessitate to generate proper way to in futures if it’s added by clients. Will you always build space for additional menu?


Mock-up Resolution
Just because you’re 72 DPI website mock up not will look perfect with 300 DPI. If, you have 20 inch monitor, does not follow same screen with all the users. In mobility world – the web designer and web developers should aware how to make the website resolution for monitor as well for devices.


No Innovative idea for font stack
Typography is most important to construct your website more user-friendly but, there is limitation to use of them. Wold Major Browsers not bear the complete special font which you want rather than system fonts. Some of doesn’t work with screen and some of not support browsers to looks perfect.


Links Style
The web page foundation is interred linking and how to enhance using colour, background image & underlines. You’re grounds fundamental problem for your users. The Graphic artist must conscious with the links that you certainly not used underscore for where does not need link of the text.


Hard to find form controls
The Accessible form control should be on ideal place on your mock up to unearth straightforward for your users. HTML/CSS should be well written to come across like web 2.0 standard. Trainee designer doesn’t choose wonderful place while he start web page mock up design.


Epixel Technologies is one of leading IT Web Design Company based in India. If, you really needs your website as per the web 2.0 and W3 validated, our creative web 2.0 web designer and web developers will help you make more innovative web page design for your online users.