Hire Web Designer – Web Design Mistakes you must know

Hire Web Designer – Web Design Mistakes you must know

On internet, batch of web design have blunder which fashioned by novice web design company. However, professional web Design Company will sustain to shun that variety of mistake while you outsource website design. Some of the seven mistake initiate on website which your web designer and web development company should aware before they will boost your business on new web industries.


Business type
In the swift world, once user approaches on your PHP website development so, they ought to identify what breed of business you are presenting worldwide in a second. If, they will not perceive what you are exploiting, then they will shoot on another site. Generally you vanished your business here.


User friendly content
The home page content should be precisely what your services. Do not use several other information. Build the content block very decipherable and search engine friendly to look innovative. memorize your website is not for tutorial website so; content of the website should small and cover all the services which you will provided to your customers.


Readable fonts
Once you hire web designer so, enquire them to achieve not use big and unreadable font which effect on your business while you develop PHP website.  Visitors should read the web site information in trouble-free manner to stay on website long time.


Flashy elements
Most of the website has too much flash and all the things flashing together, this thing will create difficulty to read your services for users. So, evade flashy elements which really you do not require on your website that helps on fast loading your website once you generate web page design.


Professional web Design Firm always use breadcrumb on each website design for their clients. But once you hire any outsourcing staff or freelance PHP web developer for your web development project you should know the work strategy. Ask them to use breadcrumb in your website design with small font and nice design.


URL Structure
The website URL is most important things search engine optimization. Your website URL should be simple and its match as per the page name. Ask your PHP web developer to make it SEO friendly. Some of web Development Company uses programming code behind the page name that will effect on SEO of PHP Application Development.


Lot of web design companies are using inline CSS. Avoid inline CSS and ask them to create inline CSS for your web page design. Inline CSS will help you to make the page load fast. Once you need any changes in tomorrow, you can do yourself using single file and it will effect on each pages.