Why desires web design with various CSS

Why desires web design with various CSS

As the demand of web design increase in worldwide. The web web2.0 market growing fast and the business needs web page design. The web page design created with HTML hyper text mark up language. But the HTML will not help to make the web page look more user friendly there are must need CSS to give more trendy look and feel. Now CSS is most important for the web page designing.  The web designer has to know the CSS to make the web page design. CSS make page more attractive and web 2.0 look and its fast loading. There are three kind of way to create the web page design.


External CSS
First we have to make the one blank note pad or open the blank CSS file and save it to style.css Kindly put below code in to the file.


Internal CSS
We have to make the CSS file for the website and we needs to include in head tab on your HTML page. Here is the great example of internal CSS


Inline CSS
Here you can add the style with inline whenever you want change the content colour, size or needs to give images. Here you can. This inline CSS is not recommended now days because of, if, you have 30 pages website then you needs changes on your page heading so, you need to open all the HTML pages and needs to change with each page that is wasting time of yours and web designer.  Here is the example of inline CSS.


<span style=”font-family:Arial; font-size:12px;
font-weight:bold; color:#666666;” >Hire web designer and PHP Web Developer</span>
If, you really needs your web page design for well CSS then contact us our web designer and php web developer to enhance your page. My next post will have more explanation for the CSS.